For so long, I really did think I was just strange, well what is the definition of normal anyway? Sensing someone's feelings and emotions is something I just know straight away, I suppose everyone has that feeling don't they? Knowing if someone is a good or bad person, it is a part of human nature, feeling vibes. But I am on another level, a level that I can't even explain.
This is why shopping is tough, imagine not only sensing someone's feelings, but feeling them too. Physical like leg pain or even a cough, mental pain, like grief or even heartache!
Don't get me wrong, it doesn't last too long and I am pretty good at turning it off, but I can focus on someone and know their whole feelings, deep down I know that isn't normal. I laugh silently. But this world of mediumship is lonely. Do people think I am weird, strange, and dam right not normal, or do I just think that?
If I sat here and asked constant questions it wouldn't end, why me? Why can I communicate with the dead? Why doesn't everyone see what I do? It makes me emotional, but it is also a blessing that I can make someone's day better, helping them through life challenges: helping you helps me and for that, I am dearly grateful, especially when I struggled mentally a few years ago. I found my purpose and so can you. That's my way of saying don't give up on who you are and what is meant for you will find you. Take that as a sign.
The sooner I accepted who I was, the more I embraced me, and the more I started to love the person I am, some days can be tough that's the part of life, I am different, and everyone in their own perfect way is unique and different too.
Spirit is something I didn't understand for so long, there was not really an explanation to what I see or why your loved ones come forward to me, I have been able to be firmer in situations, for example: your loved ones do listen and I have realised that, if I say I don't want to communicate then they leave me alone.
I remember the first time I experienced this, the kind-hearted person I am I would never want to turn away a person, let alone someone who was dead, but I was in my local Tesco once and I got a banging head as I walked in a busy environment. All the souls trying to connect, people's emotions and feelings, it is tough! I had all three children with me, and I felt so stressed and overwhelmed. I had a gentleman in spirit follow me around Tesco, he was so overpowering, (how they know I can communicate I don't have a clue, do I look different to a so called 'normal' human being? Something I am yet to learn). But he was very overpowering! He entered my body. Weird again I know, but your loved ones do this, they show me how they feel, or how they had passed away, it does not hurt me, and does not last long at all, but it's a connection I truly embrace. And the kids? They were being, well, kids.
I was so stressed and I blurted out leave me alone, I felt so terrible I cried, but he did go, and I couldn't stop thinking about him, that's when I went back to Tesco the next day, and he connected with me again, his wife worked in Tesco and that's why he was there, something in my own mind and body told me to go back, that's why I always say trust your gut feeling. He wanted me to tell his wife he's OK, and so I did, and that's why, ladies and gents, I do my job, I am a medium, but I am also Chloe, I am unique, I am weird but I am also human.
Love Chloe